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Monday, June 1, 2020

Types of Cement :-

Cement :-

In this Blog I will give you some basic knowledge on Types of cement & it's Use...So it's very important for a student , Who faced an interview & a site engineer also.Without cement construction work is Incomplete, It play a vital role on any types of construction.

  • Density of Cement -1440kg/㎥
  • kg in 1 bag of cement - 50 kg 

Ultratech Portland Cement
Ultratech Portland Cement 

what is cement ?

  • It is a binding material with Fine mineral powder, Which is use on construction.

Types of cement & It's Use / purpose :- 

  1. Ordinary Portland Cement (o.p.c)
  2. Rapid Hardening Portland Cement
  3. Sulphate Resisting Cement
  4. Low Heat Cement
  5. Quick Setting Cement
  6. Portland Pozzolana Cement (p.p.c)
  7. High Alumina Cement 
  8. Colored Cement
  9. White Ordinary Portland Cement(w.o.p.c)
  10. Air Entraining Cement
  11. Hydrophobic Cement
  12. Expansive Cement 

    Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
    Ordinary portland Cement
  1. Ordinary Portland Cement :- Commonly used for all types of Construction work. mainly it used in residential building construction work in which special types of cement not required.
  2. Rapid Hardening Cement :- It types of cement used where high strength construction work   is required first.Like[ road pavement works,precast concrete casting (Beams, Columns etc)].
  3. Sulphate Resisting Cement :- when concrete is Direct contact with the soil ( Which have high sulphate content).Like [Pile foundation ,in coastal area works, Sewage & water treatment plants] etc.
  4. Low Heat Cement :- In this Types of cement used in mass construction (dam) & also high resisting area .Like [marine construction ,Retaining wall concrete].
  5. Quick Setting Cement :- In this type of cement is used where the setting time of cement is done quickly mean while the work should be done quickly.Like [in under water construction, in cold & rainy weather condition].
  6. Portland pozzolana cement :- This type of cement is very cheap & affordable .It gains high compressive strength .It mainly used in building construction where strength required with age.
  7. High Alumina Cement :- This cement is used in construction of refinery factory or other workshop type of structure .
  8. Colored Cement :- This type of cement is used where it is required for floor finishing & Artificial marbol.
  9. White ordinary port land cement :- This types of cement is used as base coat before painting & to cover the hairline cracks on concrete surface to give smooth finish.
  10. Air Entraining Cement :-   This type of cement is used to fillup the gap or crack in concrete ( to repairing )which produces excessive amount of water after the casting .
  11. Hydrophobic Cement :- It is useful wet climatic conditions like when cement is stored for longer duration in wet climatic conditions.
  12. Expansive Cement :- This types of cement is expands & increases in volume while setteled . used to avoid the shrinkage of concrete.Like used in hydraulic structures.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

[30] Basic knowledge For Every Site Engineer :-

 In civil engineering you should be learn technical points & Terms , Which is used on site !
This terms are playing a important rule for a fresher Civil Engineer.

Basic knowledge

  1. Lintel Thickness Should be -15 cm.
  2. Minimum diameter of main bar & distribution bar in the Slab - 8 mm.
  3. Maximum diameter of main bar & distribution bar is in the slab - 1/8 of slab thickness.
  4. DPC ( damp proof coarse ) thickness should be - 2.5 cm. 
  5. Minimum Plinth height should be  - 45 cm.
  6. Maximum chair spacing should be - 1 meter
  7. Minimum diameter reinforcement for Dowel should be - 12 mm
  8. Diameter tolerance for cubes should be - ± 2 mm.
  9. Maximum water observation for Bricks - 15 % - 20 %.
  10. Building Height should be minimum(floor level - roof level) - 3.15 meter .
  11. In stair case Riser height should be - 15 cm .
  12. Compressive strength of bricks should be minimum - 3.5 n/㎟ .
  13. Density of Bricks - 1600 - 1920 kg/㎥.
  14. Minimum Thickness of Slab - 125 mm .

Clear Cover To Main Reinforcement -:

  • Cover is Basically Two Types -
  1. Clear cover .
  2. Effective cover .

Clear Cover what is the meaning of Clear cover & Effective cover?

  1. Minimum distance between Reinforcement to the outer surface of concrete , Is called Clear cover . 
  2. Minimum distance between Mid-Reinforcement to the outer surface of concrete , Is called Effective cover.
Use of  cover :-

  • To provide protection to reinforcement from corrosion.
  • To provide fire resistance to Reinforcement.

Different types of Reinforcement & it's Clear cover 

    Effective Cover
  1. Footings : 50 mm
  2. Raft Foundation(top) : 50 mm
  3. Raft Foundation (Bottom) : 75 mm
  4. Raft Foundation (Side) : 75 mm
  5. Beam : 25 mm
  6. Strap Beam : 50 mm
  7. Column : 40 mm
  8. Slab : 20 mm
  9. Flat slab : 20 mm
  10. Stair case : 20 mm
  11. Retaining wall : 20 - 25 mm
  12. Water Retaining Structures : 20-30 mm

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Civil Engineering site Tips :-

For a successful Engineer you have to know some  factors, Which is very important for a Site Engineer.

Grade of concrete

There are different types concrete grades are  use on site such as -
  • M5 - 1 : 5 : 10  { where m-mix ,  5- grades  &  three factors are (1,5,10) are aggrigates}
  • M7/5 - 1 : 4 : 8
  • M10 - 1 : 3 : 6
  • M15 - 1 : 2 : 4
  • grade of concrete mix
    Grade of concrete ad mixture
  • M20 - 1 : 1.5 : 3

standard grades of concrete 
  • M25 - 1 : 1 : 2
  • M30 - design mix
  • M35 - design mix
  • M40 - design mix
  • M45 - design mix
High grade of concrete 
  • M50 - design mix
  • M55 - design mix
  • M60 - design mix
  • M65 - design mix
  • M70 - design mix

what is Design mix ? if  you are notice! 

There are two types of mix is use in concrete grade .

  1. Nominal mix
  2. Design mix
  1. Nominal mix :- This is a ratio of cement, sand, aggrigate mix in, which it's quanty of ratio is fix. It start from M5 - M20 grade.
  2. Design Mix :- This is the ratio of cement , sand & aggrigate in , which it's quantity of ratio is not fixed & this mix is make on start from M25-M70. & this grade  is use for given high strength to structure.    

       Now Let's Talk About Setting Time of concrete-

Setting time of cement is calculated by standard Vicat Aapparatus.
  • Initial setting time of cement concrete should not be less than 30 minutes.
  • Final setting time should not be greater than 10 hours.

Required Curing Days

What is the meaning of Curing ?

  • Curing is the process of maintaining heat of hydration in cement is called Curing.
  • It's simple meaning after concrete casting we applied water on that place this is called Curing.
  • curing on concrete
    Curing of concrete
  • To give the concrete good strength we do this curing process.

Different types of cements & it's Curing Days -

  1. Super Sulfate Cement :- 7 days.
  2. Ordinary portland Cement :- 10 days.
  3. Cement with minerals & admixtures :- 14 days.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

[Top 20] L&T Interview questions for FRESHERS :-

Top 20 civil engineering interview based question-Answer |CIVIL ...
Civil Engg Interview Question
1.What is the slpoe of stair case ?
ans-As per IS 456-2000,[25-40](degree).

2. Full form of 1(one) BHK ?
ans- 1 Bed room , 1 Hall , 1 Kitchen room.

3. Volume of cement Bag (50 kg) ?
ans- 0.347 meter.q OR 1.23 CFT.

4. Expair Date of cement ?
ans- 3 months.

5. Size of hook of angle ?
ans- Hook = 10D
      Angle = 135 (degree)=3d

6. Calculation weight of steel bar formula ?
ans- d Squre * L/162.2(where d=in mm ,L=Meter)

7. Why is foundation provided. what are types of foundation ?
ans-Foundation is provoded  to distribute the load of structure in the soil.
2 types 0f foundation --shallow & deep foudation.

8-Minimum grade of concrete use in RCC ?
ans- M20.

9- Shuttering Removing time (deshuttering) ?
ans- side of wall , column & other side of beam =24 to 48 hour
      -beam sofit = 7 days
      -slab = 3 days
      removal of props of slab 
       -span > 6m = 21 days
       -span <=6m=14 days

10 - What are the concrete tests happening on site ?
ans- slump test , compressive strength test ,water pumicability test , water absorption test.

11- What is the unit weight of steel ?
ans- the unit weight of steel is 78.5kg/meter .q

12. Unit weight of concrete ?
ans- RCC =25 KG/meter.q
       -PCC  =24 kg / meter.q

13- Compressive strength of bricks ?
ans- 1st class brick =105 kg/cmsqre
      -2nd class brick =70 kg/ cmsqre
      -3rd class brick =125 kg/cmsqre

14- Initial setting time of cement ? = 30 min
    - Final setting time of cementb ? = 90 min

15 -Curing method  ?
ans- spraying ,ponding , wet covering of surface , curingb chemicals , steam curing , sprinkling.

16- What is bleeding on concrete ?
ans- Bleeding is form of segrigation , in which water comes out to the surface of concrete.

17- why we do pile foundation ?
ans - Pile foundation is adopted when the soil bearing capacity is less than 24 kn/meter q.

18- Standard height of each floor ?
ans- 3meter.

19-what is guniting ? 
ans- It isb the process in which mixture of cement , sand propotion of 1:3 is shooted in concrete surface with the help of crum  pressere of 2 to 3 kg/cm sq.

20- what is the least count of thedolite & compass ?
ans- Thedolite =20 sec.
      - Compass = 30 min.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Types of Formwork (Shuttering) for Concrete Construction and ...
vertica shuttering
Roof Beam Formwork Fabricated At Construction Site. The Formwork ...
Horizzontal shuttering

Basically we know form work means shuttering work but, It is not a shuttering work it actually  a temporary mold of wooden or M.S PLATE . fresh concrete to provide required shape size & strength to a structural member such as beam,column,slab etc.


  3. STAGGING                                                                                                                                                                    
The formwork which is used vertical structural members such as columns, Rcc walls  etc, known as Shuttering.     

China Wall and Column Concrete Formwork Plywood with H20 Timber ...
Vertical Shutteing(Shuttering)



2:-CENTERING:- The formwork which is used for horizontal structural members  such as Slab,Beam etc , known as centering.                                                                                                                 

Safety, Installation, and Removal of Formwork
Horizontal shuttering(Centering)


3:-STAGGING:- The form work which supports both shuttering & centering as per                                                         design propern position, such as steel pipes ,props, ballies etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Common Defects in Concrete Formwork Systems
Pipes,Props& Bolt

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CONSTRUCTION SITE YOU SEE MANY TYPES OF SHUTTERING USED:-
Timber formwork advantages | Timber Merchants Hampshire
Timber Shuttering
1:- TIMBER SHUTTERING                                                                                                                 
(a)-well seasoned.
(b)-light in weight.
(c)-Easily workable.
(d)-Free from looks knots.

2:-PLYWOOD SHUTTERING                                                                                                              

Waterproof Shuttering Ply 34 Kg, Size: 8x4 Sqft, Rs 46 /square ...
Plywood Shuttering

(a)-Smooth finish.
(b)-Saving in the labour cost of fixing & dismentaling.
(c)-Number of reuses are more.


Formwork in Construction|Types|Applications of Shuttering ...
Steel Shuttering
(a)-Stronger,durable & have long life
(b)-Installed & Dismentaled with greater ease
(d)-Not absorb moisture
(e)-Not shrink or warp

             (KEEP LEARN & IMPROVE YOURSELF)             

Monday, May 4, 2020


  • (FOR FRESHERS) :-           
  •                         When a fresher engineer come at site 1st time he could't understand what is happening on site work..... Don't worry after passing 2-3 month you would understand. 

(Responsibility of a site engineer) :-

                              In site you have to face small         big thing everyday. You will keep learn to           grow up & improve your self. As a civil               engineer you have alot of responsibility:-.. 

  1. Firstly you have to check safty on construction site. Safty means (safty Helmet, safty shoes, safty belt etc) Always be wear on site. 
  2. As a Site Engineer you have to check steel work (structure work) in Beam , Column& Slab etc. 
  3. As a Site Engineer you have to check Shuttering work. 
  4. As a site engineer you have to check levelling (to check the level advance instrument use like Total Station & Auto level). 

fresher engineers
civil engineers